When the weather in the Chicago area turns balmy (and lately, flowing,) it’s as if Mary Poppins has her finer to the wind saying time to see what the artists have been doing all winter. The art events are a chance to see some historic neighborhoods, parks and special places in Chicago and its suburbs. So, starting this weekend, here are three art fairs to put on the calendar for June. They all feature paintings, photography, pottery plus jewelry and handmade items.
When: June 8, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. and June 9, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Where: Old Town Triangle District with North Gate at Lincoln Ave and Lincoln Park West and Main Gate Lincoln and Wisconsin. (1763 N. North Park Ave.)
What: More than 200 artists. For directions see GETTING HERE – 2024 Old Town Art Fair – Chicago . The fair is a fundraiser for Old Town and area non profits with $12 as a suggested donation.
(Photo courtesy of Amdur Productions)
Gold Coast Art Fair (but not on Chicago’s Gold Coast)
When: Celebrating 66 years the fair is June 15-16 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.
Where: In Grant Park’s Butler Field at South Lake Shore Drive and East Monroe Street.
Cost: $10 ahead, $15 day of
What: About 250 artists
Other Info. Getting there scroll down to event details for parking andCTA info
Naperville Fine Art and Artisan Fair
When: June 29-30 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.
Where: Naper Settlement, 523 Webster St., Naperville
What: 120 artists