Uncovering the Declaration of Independence


The scene is Independence Hall in Philadelphia. The players are the Founding Fathers of the United States of America who debated then actually unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence in 1776. If that signing sounds easy or like a foregone conclusion, think again.

 The musical “1776,” with music and lyrics by Sherman Edwards and book by Peter Stone, is a time-travel journey back to colonial Philadelphia when statesman/attorney John Adams led the movement to have and sign a Declaration of Independence.

Premiering on Broadway in 1969 and winning three Tony Awards, “1776” is reprised at Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire, August 21 (pre-shows) opening August 28 and running through October 13, 2024. 

To get a glimpse at what to expect we did a short phone interview with its Marriott director, Nick Bowling, founding Artistic Director of TimeLine Theatre Company and a frequent Marriott Theater director.

  1. In Marriott’s press release, you mentioned “the feeling in the room” which reminded of Lin Manuel’s song in Hamilton about where the action took place. Can you expand on that?

“Yes, the room where it happened. I was recently there – at Independence Hall.  It’s a small room. It’s supposed to be done like it was back then. But in the show, it’s done more in the spirit of the way it was,” said Bowling.

“Weve added voices to that room and the casting is more diverse than what there was. It reflects modern thinking. But you see the chamber. And you hear the issues – States Rights, Federal Rights, Civil Rights,” he said.


2.What in the show do you think will surprise people?

“The issues discussed were the beginning of the issues that would reverberate through the history of our country,” said Bowling.


3. I think I remember (from a previous show) that Southern slave holding delegates were reacting differently to the democratic ideas put forth by other delegates and that mattered as to getting them to sign the Declaration.

“Northern delegates were also slave owners. The delegates all agreed to not consider slavery as an issue in the Declaration of Independence.” he said.

“What you learn is about the characters who played a role,” Bowling added. 

He pointed out that the characters were not necessarily the way history generally portrayed them. “They were people. There were brilliant minds on both sides.”


4. I know the show had a couple of national tours but I wonder do you think this show would be applauded the same way in the deep South today as when it first came out in the 60’s.

“Yes. It would aloso play well in the South. It is funny and romantic. John Adams is the main character. But he is difficult, and slavery is a bargaining point,” Bowling said. 

“You have different points of view – conservative and liberal. It reflects the culture of the time and when it opened in the 1960s it still spoke to us then and today,” he said.

“It’s about compromise. It’s about the signing of the Declaration of independence. It’s about Democracy. We see what each person, each group, is willing to give up.”


For show tickets and more information visit Marriott Theatre.


Jodie Jacobs