In Music Works production of Into the Woods. (Brett Beiner photo)
When writing for a suburban weekly, a county-wide daily, contributing to the Chicago Tribune for 25 years and doing articles for other publications, the articles seemed to live on in archives, on line and in my closet. They were fun and thoughtful reminders of what was going on where.

But when invited to guest on a podcast about the past Chicago theater season I found that an oral conversation that was well-guided by thought-provoking questions with some give and take on critical review points could be just as rewarding.
So, here is the podcast tape I just did with Reno Lovison of Chicago Broadcasting Network. It goes back over some of the shows that appeared in Chicago this past year. It was fun and enlightening because it revealed themes and trends.

(Photo by Michael Brosilow)
Reno has also made podcasts of the reviews he does for ChicagoTheaterAndArts.com.
His podcasts can be found at iTunes, Spotify, and GooglePlay.
Hope you enjoy listening to this theater year in review podcast. It is about an hour long show with a very short announcement break halfway through it.

To hear Click podcast
Jodie Jacobs