Review: “Disney’s Newsies”

"Newsies at Cadillac Palace Theatre thru Aug. 7
“Newsies” at Cadillac Palace Theatre thru Aug. 7


“Newsies” fight publishing tycoons with sling-shot headlines

The touring company of “Newsies” is as exciting as the headlines that sell papers. The lead actors who battle Joseph Pulitzer on his unfair practices are terrific, but it is the high energy of the company’s talented dancers and singers who will likely have you recommending this Tony Award winning musical.

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Review: “My Son The Waiter: A Jewish Tragedy”


Waiting tables becomes a comedy source in “My Son the Waiter: A Jewish Tragedy”

Brad Zimmerman, a stand-up comedian who has opened for Joan Rivers and George Carlin, regales audiences with tales of waiter-customer encounters (“Lady, is anything all right?”) in his one-man show, “My Son the Waiter: A Jewish Tragedy.” He also throws in a lot of Jewish-mother imposed guilt and his own lack of ambition.

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