We’ve all done it. We say we’re going to catch something we really want to see or do but before we realize it, the final date has passed. So here are some events and opportunities you may want to put on your calendar.

Adler Planetarium
The Adler is holding a Perseid Meteor Shower Party away from city lights at Cantigny Park in west suburban Wheaton, Aug. 12. The Perseid shower is among the best meteor events during the year.. Adler astronomers and volunteers from the volunteers from the Naperville Astronomical Association, the Naperville Astronomical Society and the Chicago Astronomical Society will be on hand to talk about the meteors and the universe. There will also be an opportunity to build a rocket and make a galaxy puzzle. Visit Travel Smart to see more information about Perseid.
Party details: Aug. 12, 2016, 6 p.m. to midnight, Cantigny Park at 1s151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton, IL. Tickets bought ahead of time are $9 member and children age 3-11. $12 non-members. At event tickets are $15 adults, $9 children. For tickets and other information visit Adler
The Field Museum
“Tattoo” is coming to The Field Oct. 21, 2016.
You may just think that tattoos are a current phenomenon. But tattoos have been used for more than 5,000 years to express personal and community identities, messages and art. The Field exhibit, put together by the muse du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, displays and explains the tattoo practice across several eras and countries including Polynesia and Europe.
Details: Tattoo will be at The Field Museum, 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605 Oct. 21, 2016 to April 30, 2017. Special ticket admission. For ticket and other information call (312) 922-9410 and visit The Field.
Museum of Science and Industry
DARPA and Shark exit this fall. We’ve all done it. We say we’re going to catch something we really want to see or do but before we realize it, the final date has passed. So here are a couple of opportunities at MSI that you may want to put on your calendar because they are not permanent.
DARPA— If you really are interested in technology catch DARPA before it leaves Sept. 5, 2016. DARPA is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency founded in 1958 that is behind the Internet, GPS and other innovations. DARPA reveals to the public what it is and what it has been doing. An interactive exhibit, you meet a really smart robotic dog and DARPA’s smart phone.
Great White Shark—The Omnimax show, exploring shark habits and habitats from Mexico to South Africa and New Zealand, ends Nov. 23, 2016.
Details: The Museum of Science and Industry is at 5700 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60637. For tickets and other information call (773) 684-1414 and visit MSI