A Wrigleyville and Cubs story makes great theater

Cast of Miracle The Musical 108 years in the Making at Royal George Theatre. (Photo by Michael Brosilow)
Cast of Miracle The Musical 108 years in the Making at Royal George Theatre. (Photo by Michael Brosilow)

4 stars

Audiences at “Miracle: A musical 108 years in the making” know the outcome of the 2016 World Series but they don’t know what will happen to the Delaney’s who own “Maggies,” a longtime, neighborhood friendly, Wrigleyville bar. Maggie is Pops’ deceased wife who is represented by a lit picture on the wall and the gravestone Pops  visits.

Directed by Damon Kiely, the entire cast is so good that everyone gasps when it looks like Charlie (Brandon Dalquist) will sell the bar to Weslowski (Michael Kingston) because Pops (Gene Weygandt) missed a few property tax payments. Charlie worries that daughter Dani will grow up stuck in the family bar like he did.

Continue reading “A Wrigleyville and Cubs story makes great theater”

Augie March misadventures

Cast of Augie March at Court Theatre. (Michael Brosilow photo)
Cast of Augie March at Court Theatre. (Michael Brosilow photo)

2 ½ stars

Free-Style Chaos Defines Augie March

This theatrical version of “The Adventures of Augie March,” at the Court Theatre perhaps serves to illustrate why the popular novel by Chicagoan Saul Bellow has never before been adapted to the stage.

The story line basically follows everyman hero Augie March (Patrick Mulvey) as he meanders aimlessly through life allowing the people he meets to shape his journey. In this way Bellow suggests the arbitrariness of life and is perhaps a cautionary tale of the dangers of undefined goals.

The play opens in the Atlantic Ocean with Augie and his maniacal companion (John Judd) floating in a lifeboat after the sinking of their merchant ship.

During a flashback, Augie’s odyssey begins in the 1930s depression era crowded apartment he shares with his mother (Chaon Cross), two brothers and an overbearing Russian Jewish grandmother (Marilyn Dodds Frank).

Along the way Augie meets an odd assortment of characters which is one of the hallmarks of Bellow’s writing as he reveled in the peculiarities and idiosyncrasies of humanity.

Continue reading “Augie March misadventures”

‘Hamilton’ to leave Chicago next January


Cast of 'Hamilton'. Photo by Joan Marcus.
Cast of ‘Hamilton’. Photo by Joan Marcus.


Blocks of tickets have periodically been put up for sale, thus extending the hit Broadway show’s Chicago run since September 2016. But the last block of tickets will go on sale May 17,2019 at 10 a.m.

Those tickets can be bought at the CIBC Theatre’s box office (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at 18 W. Monroe St., on the Broadway In Chicago 800-775-2000 number and online at BroadwayInChicago.

“More people have seen “Hamilton” in Chicago than any other city, including New York,” said producer Jeffrey Seller.  “Chicago has been a cornerstone of our mission to make “Hamilton” as accessible to as many people as possible.  We’ve loved our time here, and you can bet that ‘we’ll be back’.”

By the numbers: The Chicago run will be 171 weeks, 1,341 performances, seen by more than 2.6 million attendees plus more than 32,000 Chicago Public School students and teachers have participated in the show’s EduHam, an American history education program.

The musical, “Hamilton,” is based on the book, “Alexander Hamilton,” a biography of the Founding Father by Ron Chernow. Lin-Manuel Miranda who wrote the musical’s lyrics, music and book won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

Directed by Thomas Kail, choreographed by Andy Blankenbuehler with music direction and orchestrations by Alex Lacamoire, “Hamilton” took 11 Tony Awards in 2016 including Best Musical, Score, Book of a Musical, Direction of a Musical, Choreography and Orchestrations.  It’s produced by Seller, Sander Jacobs, Jill Furman and The Public Theater.

For Hamilton lottery ticket information visit BroadwayInChicago/HamiltonLottery or HamiltonBroadway.

For more information see Hamilton Musical  or visit its social media sites: Facebook/Hamilton, Instagram/Hamilton and Twitter/Hamilton.

Related articles: Hamilton the exhibition, Hamilton is worth the hype, High school students perform on Hamilton stage and see the show.

Jodie Jacobs




Two tales in one Shakespearean play

Kate Fry (Hermione), Dan Donohue (Leontes) and Nathan Hosner (Polixenes) in The Winter’s Tale at Goodman Theatre. (Liz Lauren photo)
Kate Fry (Hermione), Dan Donohue (Leontes) and Nathan Hosner (Polixenes) in The Winter’s Tale at Goodman Theatre. (Liz Lauren photo)

3 stars

How you react to “The Winter’s Tale” at Goodman Theatre depends on if you like an intensely acted, disturbing tragedy immediately followed by a whimsical, comedic romance that tries to make the tragedy all right in the end.

Among William Shakespeare’s (1564-1616) late plays (published in the 1623 First Folio) is “The Winter’s Tale” which combines many of his themes such as murderous jealousy as in “Othello” with comedy and romance similar to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

Expect to see unconscionable actions and reactions during the tragedy but Act I ends with a foretelling of funny things to come by a bleating shepherd and his son followed by the personification of a wildly announced “Time.” Continue reading “Two tales in one Shakespearean play”

A ‘Marvelocity’ of Alex Ross and superheroes

'Marvelocity" has original artwork by Alex Ross and superhero figures and busts. (J Jacobs photo)
‘Marvelocity” has original artwork by Alex Ross and superhero figures and busts. (J Jacobs photo)

If you follow superhero adventures or appreciate comic-book art should check out the Marvelocity Exhibit at Lake County Forest Preserves’ Dunn Museum.

Walk in and you see a life-size figure of Captain America surrounded by life-size busts of the Hulk, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Silver Sureer, Spider-Man Green Goblin, Iron Man, Dr. Doom. These superheroes and others have been revitalized by famed comic book artist Alex Ross.

The walls are covered with his original artwork. A movie talks about Ross and a board explains how Ross and collaborator Kurt Busiek put together a project tying Marvel heroes to historic events from 1939 to 73 that became “Marvels.” Also highlighted is his “Kingdom Come”project with DC.

But the exhibit also goes back to PBS’ “Spidey Super Stories” that inspired Ross as early as age 5.

Now, Ross and the folks at the LCFP want to encourage future comic book artists with the “Comic Book Cover Contest.” Teens age 13-18 may submit original artwork no larger than 18 by 24 inches that could be used for a comic book cover by June 1. The winner gets a free guided tour of the exhibit with Ross.  See Contest for more information and entry form.

Poster for Marvelocity. (J Jacobs of the Lake County Forest Preserves Dunn Museum photo)
Poster for Marvelocity. (J Jacobs of the Lake County Forest Preserves Dunn Museum photo)

In addition there is a poster with a $1 off coupon, shown here as a photo that can be copied and cut, for visiting the exhibit which is up through Sept. 8, 2019

The Dunn Museum is in the Lake County Forest Preserves General Offices building at 1899 W. Winchester Rd, Libertyville, IL 60048. The building is in a corporate center on the south east side of Technology Way. Admission is $6 for adults; $3 for seniors and youth ages 4-17; free for children ages 3 and under.  Visit Dunn Museum for more information.

Jodie Jacobs

‘August Rush’ not ready for prime time

The cast of August Rush at Paramount Theatre in Aurora. (Liz Luaren photo)
The cast of August Rush at Paramount Theatre in Aurora. (Liz Luaren photo)

2  1/2 Stars

There’s no denying that John Doyle is a gifted genius. The artistic director of Classic Stage Company in New York City, Doyle has won awards for his productions of beautiful “Passion,” “Carmen Jones” and “The Visit.”

He’s primarily known for his much-acclaimed, pared down productions of “Sweeney Todd” and “Company,” where, in addition to acting, singing and dancing, the reduced cast also provided all the musical accompaniment.

His latest production, adapted from a popular 2007 film of the same name, is now enjoying a pre-Broadway tryout at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora where Doyle has simplified the story and amped up the musical component with mixed results.

Continue reading “‘August Rush’ not ready for prime time”

‘Undeniable Sound’ is undeniably worth seeing

Henry Greenberg (Jeff Mills) and Lena (Lindsay Stock) in Undeniable Sound of Right Now at Raven Theatre. (Photo by Michael Brosilow)
Henry Greenberg (Jeff Mills) and Lena (Lindsay Stock) in Undeniable Sound of Right Now at Raven Theatre. (Photo by Michael Brosilow)

4 Stars

 There is so much to like about “The Undeniable Sound of Right Now” by Laura Eason at the Raven Theatre in Edgewater. It’s a snapshot of one of the many evolutionary changes that is inevitable in a growing and vibrant city.

Set in the fall of 1992 Hank (Jeff Mills), the owner of a Chicago dive bar, slash, live music venue, is in the autumn of his career in the midst of evolving musical tastes and gentrification that threaten everything he has built.

Hank has two great loves – live music and his twenty-one year old daughter Lena (Lindsay Stock) who grew up above the club and shares her dad’s enthusiasm for music.

Lena is anxious to expand her horizons to include the emerging style of “house,” a genre of electronic dance music of the era created in Chicago that features D.J.’s as the curators of the musical experience.

Her dad is a traditionalist who feels that D.J.’s are not musicians and that electronic music is in opposition to the live music he has championed for twenty-five years.

Thus the conflict is established,. It plays out in the confines of a neighborhood tavern that, like its owner, is definitely showing its wear.

The set design by Jeffrey D. Kmiec and decorated by Lacie Hexom is reminiscent of the many neighborhood watering holes that once dotted the Chicago map from north to south in this working class city.

In the earlier half of the 20th century Chicago boasted 10,000 “shot and a beer” joints. Most have closed or been converted to fern bars and pubs.  Those that survived like Hank’s are loved-to-death by countless elbows, decorated through neglect and illuminated with the ever present twinkling strand or two of Christmas lights.

These establishments retain and reflect a bit of each of the individuals and groups that made this particular venue their social hub, and Hank’s clientele have indeed left their unique mark on this location.

But neighborhoods, music, and people change; and we are all forced to face the changes that are an inevitable part of growing up and growing older. What is undeniable is the here-and-now and the sounds it makes.

Hank has little patience for nostalgia and no stomach for being viewed as a legend. The question is how do you confront the end of an era?

The story involves non-traditional family relationships and various forms of love which in this case includes Hank’s longtime, off-again on-again, salt-of-the-earth girlfriend, Bette (Dana Black), who accepted the role of surrogate mother in the absence of Lena’s birth mother

It is clear the two women have a true affection for each other which was all the more poignant on the Mother’s Day performance I attended.

Jeff Mills in the Undeniable Sound of Right Now at Raven Theatre. (Michael Brosilow photo)
Jeff Mills in the Undeniable Sound of Right Now at Raven Theatre. (Michael Brosilow photo)

Stock is spot on and perfectly embodies the role of Lena who is smart, savvy and charismatic. It is no wonder that she is adored by her “parents” as well as the club manager, Toby (Christopher Acevedo), the landlord’s son Joey (Casey Morris),  and Nash (Henry Greenberg) the up-and-coming D.J. each vying in one way or another for her attention.

No doubt casting director Kanome Jones made Director BJ Jones’ life a little easier by providing an outstanding ensemble.

Eason has done a terrific job of juggling a number of ideas yet pulling it all together into one well-crafted unified whole. She understands Hank’s reluctance to turn over the reins and sympathetically advocates for the youthful exuberance of Nash and Lena.

Meanwhile the supporting roles of Bette, Toby, and Joey are fully fleshed characters with their own important contributions to the plot. Her dialogue is authentic and at times emotional without becoming saccharine.

When I don’t know much about a play I try to keep it that way until I see it. This was surprisingly different than what I expected, thinking it was going to be more of a jukebox musical.

It does have some recorded music as background as well as a few short riffs and verses admirably played on guitar by Mills – choices of sound designer Lindsay Jones. Music is integral to the story but it is not a musical.

If you are afraid that the indie music rock scene is not a genre you understand or enjoy do not let this dissuade you. The theme of the story is universal and the musical references are incidental. This can be any time period and any inter-generational conflict.

I predict this production will be deemed Jeff worthy with special recognition of Lindsay Stock and maybe BJ Jones and Kmiec as well.

Don’t miss this one. If you have experience with an aging business owner, a music maker, or someone affected by change that they feared or were reluctant to face this will likely resonate with you.

DETAILS: “The Undeniable Sound of Right Now” is at Raven Theatre, 6157 N. Clark Street, Chicago through June 16, 2019. Running time is 90 minutes with no intermission. For tickets and information call (773) 338-2177 and visit raventheatre.com.

Reno Lovison

For more shows visit Theatre in Chicago

Around Town: Mid May has treats for the senses

Long Grove Chocolate Fest returns third weekend in May. (Photo courtesy of Long Grove)
Long Grove Chocolate Fest returns third weekend in May. (Photo courtesy of Long Grove)

Yummy sweets at Long Grove’s Chocolate Fest, fine art visual treasures of antiques and art at a Merchandise Mart show and fascinating sounds of Finnish music at Symphony Center are all on tap this weekend in the Chicago area.

Long Grove Chocolate Fest

From balsamics and bacon to popcorn and zucchini bread, just about everything imaginable that can infused, covered by or adorned with chocolate can be sampled and bought at the historic village of Long Grove May 17-19, 2019. Bands will also be playing throughout the event.

Details: Long Grove is near Routes 83 and Old Route 53 (about 35 miles northwest of Chicago). The festival is in the business district at the intersection of Old McHenry and Robert Parker Coffin Roads. Admission is $5 over age 12 per day, kids 12 and under free. Tickets can be purchased there or ahead of time by clicking HERE. However, parking is at a premium so there is a 2 for 1 admission discount up to 2 people who rideshare with uber/ lyft) and dropped at the Archer & Robert Parker Coffin Gate. Discount admission applies when upon showing the rideshare receipt at the gate.  Hours May 17 are noon to11 p.m., May 18 from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. and May 19 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

For more information and the band schedule visit Long Grove/Chocolate-Fest.


Chicago Antiques + Art + Design

Explore the 7th floor of the Merchandise Mart where 75 national and international exhibitors have brought fine art, antiques and unusual design elements. The show runs May 17-19, 2019 but there is also a first-look preview Northwestern Memorial Hospital benefit on May 16.

Details: The Merchandise Mart is on the north side of the Chicago River at 222 Merchandise Plaza, bounded by Orleans and Kinzie. For tickets and hours visit ChicagoAntiquestArtDesign.


Finnish Masterwoks at Symphony Center

A mostly Finnish program that includes violinish Hilary Hahn playing Jean Sibelius’ Violin Concerto, Einojuhani Rautavaara’s “A Requiem in Our Time” will by played by the Chicago Symphony Orchesra led by Mikko Franck, May 16, 17, 18 and 21 of 2019.  Also on the program is Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Symphony No. 2. The progam is part of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association’s season of “A time for reflection-A Message of Peace.”

Details: Hours are May 16 – 18 at 8 p.m., May 21 at 7:30 p.m. Symphony Center is at 220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago.  For tickets and other information visit CSO

Jodie Jacobs


Maurice Jones extraordinary as Hamlet

Maurice Jones as Hamlet at Chicago Shakespeare Theater. (Liz Lauren photo)
Maurice Jones as Hamlet at Chicago Shakespeare Theater. (Liz Lauren photo)

3 ½ stars

Audiences hardly need to be reminded that William Shakespeare had a phrase, soliloquy or advice for almost every conceivable motivation, experience or outlook.

But when Broadway actor Maurice Jones, Chicago Shakespeare’s Hamlet, considers life’s unfairness and contemplates death in the famed “To be, or not to be, that is the question,” soliloquy, he is so natural in his musing that he could be any being who grieves for a murdered loved one instead of an actor playing one of the theater’s most famous roles.

And that is the strength of Artistic Director Barbara Gaines simple, but masterfully presented “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.”

Even when Polonius, Shakespeare’s overly verbose, elderly advisor to the Danish court, tells son Laertes “to thine own self be true, (and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man”) ” a contradiction to everyone’s actions, stage veteran Larry Yando nicely throws out the lines as if they were simply fatherly advice instead of among the Bard’s very famous quotes.

Polonius (Larry Yando, at center) reveals to King Claudius (Tim Decker) and Queen Gertrude (Karen Aldridge) the contents of Hamlet’s letter to Ophelia in Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s production of Hamlet, (Photo by Liz Lauren)
Polonius (Larry Yando, at center) reveals to King Claudius (Tim Decker) and Queen Gertrude (Karen Aldridge) the contents of Hamlet’s letter to Ophelia in Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s production of Hamlet, (Photo by Liz Lauren)

The production really succeeds because Jones is so good at Hamlet, he’s fine in modern dress rather than period costume as he sincerely becomes a distressed son whose father is killed by a brother and whose mother then marries, possibly unknowingly, her husband’s murderer.

Scott Davis’ minimal scenic design and Robert Wierzel’s lighting focus the action where it should be, on the players, rather than offering the trappings of a castle in Denmark. Booming sound design by Lindsay Jones portends tragedy waiting.

A nice touch is having long-time beloved Chicago and New York theater actor Mike Nussbaum play a comic gravedigger along side Greg Vinkler who is also the king with the players who come to court to perform.

The rest of the cast is fine, although not at the same level of Jones’ delivery. It’s likely audiences will be talking about this Hamlet for quite awhile.

“Hamlet” is at Chicago Shakespeare Theater, 800 E. Grand Ave. on Navy Pier, Chicago, through June 9, 2019. Running time: 2 hours, 45 minutes with one intermission. For tickets and other information call (312) 595-5600) and visit Chicago Shakes.

Jodie Jacobs

For more shows visit Theatre in Chicago



‘Chicago’ the musical in its namesake town

Chicago the musical is at the Cadillac Palace Theatre. (Photo by Catherine Ashmore)
Chicago the musical is at the Cadillac Palace Theatre. (Photo by Catherine Ashmore)

3 stars

”Chicago,” the sardonic, jazzy, vaudeville-style musical written by lyricist Fred Ebb, composer John Kander with  book by Ebb an Bob Fosse, is in its namesake town for just a week as it continues to make the rounds.

Fosse’s choreography in conjunction with Ann Reinking’s choreography in Fosse’s style for the 1997 New York production are skillfully performed by the company and the two female leads, Dylis Croman as Roxie Hart and Lana Gordon as Velma Kelly.

The Fosse style, Croman’s big number “Roxie” plus “When You’re Good to Mama,” sung by Jennifer Fouché and “Mister Cellophane” sung by Paul Vogt as Amos Hart make the current touring show worth seeing.

Just don’t expect quite the high level of razzle-dazzle of the original 1975 show or the 1996 revival or the 2002 film version that won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Eddie George who has moved from the NFL to acting in Nashville companies, is an OK Billy Flynn but not in the same personality category as Richard Gere in the movie or at the song and dance guy level of Jerry Orbach in the Broadway production.

This version needs to turn up the heat on its famed “Cell Block Tango” which seemed a bit going-through- the-motions tired.

However, the show is fun to watch. The orchestra, conducted by Andrew Bryan, is still on stage as the main set-design element and its vaudeville-style, bring-them-on performances across the front of the stage is still entertaining.

“Chicag0” is at the Cadillac Palace Theatre, 151 W. Randolph St., Chicago through May 12, 2019. Running time: 2 hours, 30 minutes with one intermission. For tickets and other information visit Broadway In Chicago.

Jodie Jacobs

For more shows visit Theatre in Chicago